How To Calculate Internal mark & Attendance % From Coe Anna University Online Portal | COE Website
Important note:Practical Assessment Marks and Attendance details should be entered only in Fourth Assessment Period. If the data is entered in any other assessment period is will not be considered. This is for your kind information and necessary action.
Attendance marks:
consider the subject CS2301 in above example
Add Report 1 -4 Total Antecedence & Attended Period Separately
Total working days: 19+7+25+10 = 61
Total Attended days: 19+7+25+10 = 61
Convert attendance it into Percentage
= (Total Attended days / Total working days) * 100
ie., (61/61)*100=100%
Internal Mark For Attendance %
75-80%-1 mark
80-85%-2 mark
85-90%-3 mark
90-95%-4 mark
ie., 100% means 5 marks
Internal Marks For Assessment Exam
For example
Unit Test -1(Report 2)
Converting it into 5 marks
(total mark earned/ 100)*5
(95/100)*5 = 4.75=5
Unit Test-2(Report 3)
(80/100)*5= 4
Model Exam (Report 4)
Total Internal marks :
i)Mark Earned in Assessment
ii)Mark earned In Attendace
iii) Total Internal Mark